Karl Golnik, MD, Chair; Lynn Anderson, PhD; Rajvardhan Azad, MD; Ashok Grover, MD; Pran Nagpal,MD; Prashant Garg, MD; Heather Mack, MD; Eduardo Mayorga, MD; Ana Gabriela Palis, MD; Meenakshi Swaminathan, MD; Ramanjit Sihota, MD, Santosh Honavar, MD; Sunil Morekar
This program will be under the guidance from ICO (International Council of Ophthalmology). The scientific endeavor of this program is to facilitate the academic program for Teachers in Ophthalmology, who are the torch bearers of our next generations.
1 | Welcome and Introduction of the program | Dr. Partha Biswas Chairman-ARC |
2 | Teaching Skills: Chairpersons Chairpersons:Dr. Karl Golnik, Dr. Asim Chakrabarti, Dr. Sushmita Kaushik,Dr. Bibhuti Prasanna Sinha, Dr. Mita Joshi |
Lead Instructor: Dr. Prashant Garg |
3 | Corneal Degenerations and Dystrophies, (30 min) | Dr. Prashant Garg |
4 | Keratoplasty and Component Corneal Surgery – Technique, Results and Complications, (30 min) |
Dr. Prashant Garg |
5 | Overview of Refractive Surgery, (30 min) | Dr. Sunil Morekar |
6 | Teaching at the bedside and ward rounds | Dr. Ashok Grover |
7 | Teaching in busy Outpatient clinics | Dr. Santosh Honavar |
8 | Tea Break | |
9 | Establishing a wetlab | Dr. Santosh Honavar |
10 | Teaching during Surgery | Dr. Meenakshi Swaminathan |
11 | Audience Discussion with comments from Chairpersons on Challenges in Teaching in each Zone | Lead by Dr. Prashant Garg |
12 | Technology for Teachers Chairpersons: Dr Karl Golnik, Dr Swapan Samanta Dr Amit Porwal, Dr Purvi Bhagat, Dr Rupali Maheshgauri | Lead Instructor:Dr. Prashant Garg |
13 | Online resources | Dr. Santosh Honavar |
14 | Introduction and basics of webinars | Dr. Prashant Garg |
15 | Audience Discussion with comments from Charipersons on Technology use in the MS and DNB programs | Lead by: Dr. Santosh Honavar |
16 | Lunch Break | |
17 | Assessment Chairpersons:Dr Padmamalini Mahendradas,Dr Krishna Prasad | Lead Instructors:Dr. Meenakshi and Dr. Ashok Grover |
18 | Assessment of performance in clinics | Dr. Meenakshi Swaminathan |
19 | Assessment of surgical performance | Dr. Ashok Grover |
20 | Faculty assessment: Really! | Dr. Meenakshi Swaminathan |
21 | DREEM study amongst postgraduate students of ophthalmology |
Dr. Gopal Pillai |
22 | Giving effective feedback: New thinking | Dr. Ashok Grover |
23 | Audience Discussion with comments from Charipersons on Assessment tools and techniques-experience in various settings | Lead by:Dr. Meenakshi Swaminathan and Dr. Ashok Grover |
24 | Curriculum Chairpersons:Dr Chandana Chakraborty, Dr Subina Narang | Lead Instructor: Dr. Sunil Morekar |
25 | ICO curriculum | Dr. Sunil Moreker |
26 | Curriculum Development steps | Dr. Meenakshi Swaminathan |
27 | Curriculum: Group activity | |
28 | Group presentations with comments (10 mins each) | Lead by: Dr. Ashok Grover and Dr. Sunil Moreker |
29 | Chairpersons comments with audience participation on Designing a successful curriculum |
30 | Concluding remarks | Dr Karl Golnik and Dr. Partha Biswas |