FP1044 : The Prevalence of Ocular Tumour At Base Hospital : A 20 Year Hospital Based Study

Dr. Meet Ramani, R12868, Dr. Shreya Shah, Dr. Pooja Kalbande, Dr. Juhee Vishnu Agrawal

Aim:To study prevalence of Ocular tumours at Our Hospital.

Method:We found 130 patients from our hospital medical records of OCULAR tumours who presented between May 1992 to May 2012. A thorough patient examination was done including detailed examination of lid and orbit. Patients also underwent specific investigation like USG, CT SCAN, MRI etc. and then the required medical or surgical treatment was given. And after surgery biopsy sample were sent to NABL laboratory for histopathology testing. The data of patients examination filled in pre formatted online data system. Patient’s data exported and statistically analysed using SPSS – 17.

Result: We had 130 patients (M:F=67:63) with Orbital Tumour at our hospital. Out of the 130 cases 57.7% cases were malignant. Among them 94.6% were treated surgically and 5.4% were treated medically. Most of them are dermoid cyst 23.8%, retinoblastoma 23.8%, capillary hemangioma 6.9% etc. And 51.5% patient were bellow 19 year of age.

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