Posterior Segment

VT103 – Triple Trouble

Dr.Sudhir Kumar Parwani, Dr.O.P.Agrawal

On a bad day trouble never comes alone. Even the simplest procedures may land the surgeon into troubles from which it becomes almost difficult to come out. I describe the sequence of events on one such bad day, while operating a simple phaco surgery under peribulbar anesthesia.  The First Trouble: In the initial part of trenching a more than ninety degree zonular dialysis happened. This was managed by converting to extra capsular surgery &after removing the nucleus & cortex the wound was sutured

VT111 -Diabetic vitrectomies – the way forward

Dr.Debdulal Chakraborty, Dr.Tushar Kanti Sinha, Dr.Boral Subhendu Kumar, Dr.Das Arnab

Advances in technique, instrumentation & knowledge of disease process have allowed repair of more complex diabetic complications. This video showcases how not only simple but complex diabetic vitrectomies can be easily tackled and enable good postoperative vision.

VT112 – VR surgery with anterior segment system : different strokes , similar outcome

Dr.(wing Cdr) Mansur Ali Khan, Dr.Harikrishnan V, Dr.(Brig) Parthasarathi Moulick, Dr.Gurunadh Satyanarayana Velamakanni

Necessity is the mother of invention. Procedural delays in procurement of new vitrectomy machine and mounting pressure of patients in a government set up prompted us to use the 23 gauge cutter of Infinity anterior phacoemulsification system with addition of local made LED endolight light source, 2 speed fish pump with micro pore filter for AFE and 23/20 gauge intra cath for silicon oil injection. The video will demonstrate 3 successful VR surgeries using this modified system in cases of post traumatic RD with dialysis and large tear, Intraocular foreign body removal and dropped nucleus. All surgeries done free of cost to patients.

VT116 – Under Air Vitrectomy

Dr.Kushal Umeshbhai Agrawal, Dr.Jay Kumar Chhablani, Dr.Ina Budhiraja

A 71-year old male diabetic patient, presented with non-resolving vitreous haemorrhage under silicon oil of 2 months duration, 1 month post uneventful vitrectomy for ERM with traction on macula and VH.

VT140 – Small is beautiful! A sutureless way of managing a case of persistent fetal vasculature.

Dr.Parth Amardeeep Patil, Dr.Prema K.V. Subramaniam, Dr.Parag K Shah, Dr.Narendran V

A 9 year old female child presented to our hospital with defective vision in left eye. Her visual acuity was counting fingers close to the face in left eye. Early posterior subcapsular cataract and an old vitreous haemorrhage with a persistent fetal vasculature stalk were noted in the left eye.

VT142 – Vitreomacular Traction – Releasing the unwanted pull

Dr.Sarang Lambat, Dr.Nangia Vinay Kumar B, Dr.Priyanka Pardhi, Dr.Tina Agrawal

Vitreo-macular traction (VMT) is characterised by incomplete separation of the posterior vitreous with persistent macular attachment. It can lead to traction on the retina, causing a variety of macular abnormalities causing significant visual disability or imminent threat of permanent damage to fovea.


Dr.Sherine M D Souza, Dr.Sumeet Agrawal, Dr.Thirumalesh M B, Dr.Adrian Braganza, Dr.Shetty Bhujang K

Intraocular gases are used in VR surgery for intermediate duration tamponade and have several complications like raised IOP, cataract etc AIM To report a unique, previously unreported complication of C3F8.

VT192 – IOFB removal in varied situations

Mr.Koshalram, Dr.Balasubramanian S, Dr. Anusha

This video suggests 4 varied situations of IOFB removal 1 IOFB impacted at the macula 2 IOFB with Retinal detachment 3 IOFB antrerior to the equator and20/20 vision 4 IOFB at the pars plicata. The varied situations that were followed in all the cases is illustrated in all these videos.

VT233 – Retinal Detachment Associated with Giant Retinal Tears: An Overview

Dr.Aditya Kapoor, Dr.Vivek Dave

Introduction A Giant Retinal Tear (GRT) is a retinal break that extends around the retina for three or more clock hours. Method This video demonstrates the management of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with Giant Retinal Tear in different clinical scenarios. Results The surgical management of GRT as presented here highlights the use of perfluorocarbon liquid (PFCL), confluent endolaser, posterior virteous detachment (PVD) induction, vitreous staining with triamcinolone acetonide and covers how GRT can be differentiated from retinal dialysis. Conclusion This video provides comprehensive educational experience in management of one of the most challenging situation in retinal surgery.

VT284 – Macular Buckling with Morin-Devin “T” shaped Macular Wedge

Dr.Abhishek anand, Dr.Aastha singh, Dr.Bhawesh chandra saha

Posterior Pole Ectasia or Staphyloma with Macular hole and Retinal detatchment is a relatively precarious situation with Pars Plana vitrectomy due to curvatural and anatomical mismatch between the sclera and the retina at posterior pole, thin and taut retina and contrast desaturaton at posterior pole making ILM peeling a challenge.