We describe a rare case of povidone iodine induced reaction in a 58 years old female patient who was posted for combined surgery of right eye under local anesthesia
FP1051 : A Rare Case of Fibrous Dysplasia with Uniocular Proptosis and Loss of Vision
Dr.Anurag Makkar, Dr. Virendra Kumar Malik, Dr. Malik K P S, Dr. Charu Jain, Dr. Sanjiv Kumar
Aim-To present a rare case of craniofacial fibrous dysplasia presenting with proptosis and loss of vision.
FP1074 : Pigmented Conjunctival Squamous Cell Carcinoma Simulating Melonoma : A Rare Case Series. Prasanna Venkataraman
Dr. Sharmila Devi Vadivelu, Dr.Ananda Babu M
To report two cases of pigmented squamous cell carcinoma that clinically simulated conjunctival melanoma.
FP1089 : Comparative Study of Incidence of Cystoid Macular Edema After Uncomplicated Phaco and Sics Using Oct
Dr.Manan Kaushik, K17941, Dr. Sanjiv Garg, Dr. Malik K P S Dr. Virendra Kumar Malik, Dr. Sanjay Sharma
A comparative study of incidence of pseudophakic cystoid macular edema after uncomplicated phaco and MSICS using OCT.
FP1092 : To Assess Pain in Modified Topical Small-Incision Cataract Surgery Using Lignocaine 4% V/S Intracam
Dr. Nikita Shah, S16009, Dr. Adrian Braganza
Patients undergoing Topical MSICS using a superior rectus suture (with a cotton pledget) were divided into two groups Group A with lignocaine 4 % only and group B with additional intracameral lignocaine
FP1176 : Therapeutic Penetrating Keratoplasty: Indications and Surgical Outcome
Dr. Sudesh Kumar Arya, A06388, Dr. Meenakshi Sindhu, Dr. Amit Raj, Dr. Ravi Kant Bamotra
To find out the indications and surgical outcome of therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty retrospectively.
FP1208 : Outcome of Multifocal Toric Intraocular Lenses at a Tertiary Eye Care Hospital in South India
Dr. Vijila Janardhanan, J18852, Dr. Mohan Rajan, Dr. Sujatha Mohan, Dr.Divyaa Dhingra
To analyze the subjective and objective visual outcomes of Multifocal Toric Intraocular lenses for distance and near vision after implantation.
FP1217: Effect of Steep Meridian Incision on Pre-Existing Astigmatism After Phacoemulsification
Dr. Om Prakash, O05038, Dr. Sangeeta
30 eyes of 30 patients were included in study to evaluate the effect of 3.2 mm, clear corneal incision at the pre-marked steep meridian, in patients having ≤ 1.0 D corneal astigmatism, undergoing phacoemulsification cataract surgery.
FP1250: Comparison of Optical Biometry Based on Partial Coherence Laser Interferometry to Applanation Ultrasound
Dr.Pooja H. V. , V18542, Dr. Vijay Pai
To compare optical biometry based on partial coherence laser interferometry(PCLI) principle to conventional ultrasound biometry in the accuracy of intraocular lens(IOL) power calculation.
FP1254 : Sodium Bicarbonate V/S Hyaluronidase : A Comparative Study in Ocular Anaesthesia
Dr. Megha G, G18564, Dr. Shreeshruthi N, Dr. Shubhratha S. Hegde, Dr. Swetha. S
To compare the safety, efficacy and cost effectiveness of sodium-bicarbonate mixed anesthetic mixture with hyaluronidase mixed mixture in peribulbar anesthesia.
FP1268 : Increasing Rhexsis Predicability Alongwith Decreased Probability of PCO Economically
Dr. Satyajit Sinha, S06634
The aim of this study was to make the process of making a CCC easy and reproducible and reduce the incidence of PCO, economical.
FP1272 : Clinical Presentation and Management of Anterior Capsular Contraction
Dr. Vinita Ramnani, R09767
Aim of study is to analyze clinical presentation and predisposing risk factors of anterior capsular contraction following phacoemulsification and to assess challenges encountered in management.
FP1286 : Incidence of Post- Operative Clinical Cme in Diabetic and Non- Diabetic Patients After Uneventful Sics.
Dr.Prajakta Paritekar, P16971, Dr. Shrikant Deshpande, Dr. Priyanka Umesh Patkar
50 eyes with normal fundus were included in the study. 2 groups were formulated. Group 1 included 25 eyes of Diabetic patients and Group 2 included 25 eyes of Non-Diabetic patients
FP1302 : Evaluation of Impaired Visual Outcome After Cataract Surgery
Dr.Anthrayos C V Kakkanatt, A02620, Dr. Anu Paul, Dr. Nilufer Sayed Mohammed, Dr. Anu F Anand, Ms. Minu Sasikumar
Cataract surgery is the only method of restoring vision for those with visual impairment due to cataract and is the second most cost effective public health intervention following immunisation to prevent communicable disease
FP1306 : Comparison of Ocular Axial Length in Grades of Nuclear Cataract By Ultrasonic and Optical Biometry
Dr. Tanvi Dilip Madia, Dr. Smita Singh, Dr. Shukla A K, Dr. Puja Hingorani-Bang, Dr. Sneha Gupta
Accurate axial length( AL) measurement is very important for correct IOL Power determination.
FP131 : Phacoemulsification Versus Flacs :An Evidence Based Comparative Analysis
Dr. Sudhir Singh, S07499
Phacoemulsification is the safest and most cost-effective procedures in the ophthalmology since more than two and half decades. Complications, although uncommon, can be sight-threatening. Consequently, surgeons continually strive to improve outcomes by reducing these complications using a combination of improved operative techniques and innovations in technology.
FP1312 : Different Way to Treat Different Types of Total Aniridia
Dr. Priyangini Singh Patel, P15195, Dr. Santosh Singh Patel, Dr. Chandraker A K, Dr. Mangilal Garg, Dr. Niharika Singh
Aim of this study to share the surgical management of different types of total aniridia and its outcome.
FP1342 : Long Term Follow Up of Dalk in Keratoconus
Dr. Anita Panda, P02209, Dr. Sasikala Nindra Krishna, Dr. Vanathi M, Dr.Namrata Sharma
To report long term outcome of manual deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty(DALK) for advanced keratoconus with or without scarring but sparing the endothelium.
FP1359 : Giant Solitary Trichilemmal Cyst of the Upper Eye Lid: Masquerading Lacrimal Gland Tumor
Dr. Abhiyan Kumar, K09697, Dr. Anita Panda, Dr. Sasikala Nindra Krishna
To report three cases of giant solitary trichilemmal cyst .
FP137: Atoll Sign in Posterior Lenticonus
Dr. Deepak Mishra, M12337, Dr.Pratyush Ranjan, Dr. Garima Rai, Dr. Prashant Bhushan
Posterior lenticonus is a rare progressive disease characterized by protrusion of posterior lens capsule along with lens
FP1374 : Comparison of Post- Operative Aberrations in Hoya Mics and Tecnis IOL
Dr. Ravish Vaishnav, V15527, Dr. Vijay Shetty,Dr. Suhas Haldipurkar, Dr. Devendra Venkatramani
To evaluate and compare Aberration profile in eyes implanted with Hoya MICS (H) and Tecnis (T) IOL.
FP1375: Comparison of Aberrations in Eyes with Hoya Mics and Acrysof Iq IOL
Dr.Ravish Vaishnav, V15527, Dr. Vijay Shetty, Dr.Suhas Haldipurkar, Dr. Tanvi Haldipurkar, Dr.Abhishek Hoshing
To evaluate and compare the Aberration profile in eyes implanted with Hoya MICS (H) and Acrysof IQ (IQ) IOL.
FP1387: Clinical Study of Retropupillary Fixation of Iris-Claw Lens in Various Challenging Situations
Dr.Harithaapriyadarshini Chadalavada, C17989, Dr.Suryaprakash A. V. , Dr. Manjunath B. H
Prospective; interventional case series; single centre; Posterior iris-clawimplantation (EXCELENS model:5580) done as a part of primary surgery in 2(33.3%),as an IOL-exchange procedure for dislocated PCIOL in 2(33.3%) ,for decentered ACIOL in 1(16.6%) & secondary procedure (postparsplana vitrectomy) in 1(16.6%).1(16.6%).
FP1391 : Comparison of Defocus Curve and Contrast Sensitivity Between Tecnis and Hoya Mics IOL
Dr. Ravish Vaishnav, V15527, Dr. Vijay Shetty, Dr. Suhas Haldipurkar, Dr. Tanvi Haldipurkar
To compare defocus curve (DC) and contrast sensitivity (CS) measurements in subjects implanted with aspheric IOLs.
FP1392: Comparison of Visual Outcomes in Eyes with Hoya Mics and Acrysof Iq IOL
Dr. Ravish Vaishnav, V15527, Dr. Vijay Shetty, Dr. Suhas Haldipurkar, Dr. DevendraVenkatramani, Dr. Tanvi Haldipurkar
To compare defocus curve (DC) and contrast sensitivity (CS) measurements in subjects implanted with aspheric IOLs.
FP1406: Lamellar Dissection Versus Avulsion Technique for Pterygium Excision: Scheimpflug Based Comparison
Dr. Nagendra Shekhawat, N05395, Dr. Sonal Kalia, Dr. Karishma Goyal
To compare scheimpflug based parameters between 2 techniques of pterygium excision which are lamellar dissection and avulsion method
FP141 : D Evaluation of Lri to Treate Pre Existing Astigmatism Along with Phacoemulsification in Cataract Patients
Dr.Ramanujan Odeyar, O12912, Dr. Ramanujan B Odeyar
The incidence of post cataract surgery astigmatism is 25 to 30%.In this study Bosh and lumb keratometer was used to determine preoperative and postoperative astigmatism
FP1412 : Comparative Study of IOL Power Calculation Formulae, SRK/T, Hoffer Q, Srk Ii, Haegis, in Eyes of Diff A. L
Dr. Neebha Anand, A11200, Dr. Ashok Kumar Khurana, Dr.Reena Gupta, Dr. Ketan Bh
A prospective clinical pilot study was carried out on 53 eyes of 51 patients undegoing phacoemulsification, with axial lengths ranging from 22 to >24.5 mm.
FP1444: Retrocortical Fluid Collection: First Stage of Intumescent Cataract Captured First Time with OCT
Dr. Sourabh Patwardhan, P11250, Dr. Nidhi Patwardhan
To demonstrate the retrocortical fluid which is indeed the first stage in the development of intumescent cataract.
FP1454 : Pars Plana Vitrectomy with Phacofragmentation in Cases of Severe Microcornea with Hard Nucleus
Dr. Sonal Gupta, Dr. Alok Sen, Dr. Ashish Mitra, Dr. Shubhi Tripathi
Cataract surgery in microcornea and coloboma possess several challenges. Most of them are young, one eyed having ambulatory vision before development of cataract having small anterior segment with normal or long posterior segment.