
FP1302 : Evaluation of Impaired Visual Outcome After Cataract Surgery

Dr.Anthrayos C V Kakkanatt, A02620, Dr. Anu Paul, Dr. Nilufer Sayed Mohammed, Dr. Anu F Anand, Ms. Minu Sasikumar

Cataract surgery is the only method of restoring vision for those with visual impairment due to cataract and is the second most cost effective public health intervention following immunisation to prevent communicable disease

FP131 : Phacoemulsification Versus Flacs :An Evidence Based Comparative Analysis

Dr. Sudhir Singh, S07499

Phacoemulsification is the safest and most cost-effective procedures in the ophthalmology since more than two and half decades. Complications, although uncommon, can be sight-threatening. Consequently, surgeons continually strive to improve outcomes by reducing these complications using a combination of improved operative techniques and innovations in technology.

FP1342 : Long Term Follow Up of Dalk in Keratoconus

Dr. Anita Panda, P02209, Dr. Sasikala Nindra Krishna, Dr. Vanathi M, Dr.Namrata Sharma

To report long term outcome of manual deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty(DALK) for advanced keratoconus with or without scarring but sparing the endothelium.

FP137: Atoll Sign in Posterior Lenticonus

Dr. Deepak Mishra, M12337, Dr.Pratyush Ranjan, Dr. Garima Rai, Dr. Prashant Bhushan

Posterior lenticonus is a rare progressive disease characterized by protrusion of posterior lens capsule along with lens

FP1387: Clinical Study of Retropupillary Fixation of Iris-Claw Lens in Various Challenging Situations

Dr.Harithaapriyadarshini Chadalavada, C17989, Dr.Suryaprakash A. V. , Dr. Manjunath B. H

Prospective; interventional case series; single centre; Posterior iris-clawimplantation (EXCELENS model:5580) done as a part of primary surgery in 2(33.3%),as an IOL-exchange procedure for dislocated PCIOL in 2(33.3%) ,for decentered ACIOL in 1(16.6%) & secondary procedure (postparsplana vitrectomy) in 1(16.6%).1(16.6%).